On the weekend of the 19th & 20th February, Twin City Archers Gippsland hosted the first round of the Victorian 3DAAA Series. It was 10 months since the last shoot in Victoria and we were all looking forward to shooting 3D archery and catching up with archery friends.
The work started a couple of weeks before this with the field quite overgrown and in need of a clean-up. A great job was done by club members to do this and then the course layout could begin. We were able to set up some different angles and challenging shot throughout the ranges and with the final safety walks and range checks completed on Friday everything was ready for shooters to arrive.
Both Saturday and Sunday had perfect weather and a great turn out of archers enjoyed a great weekend. To finish off we ran the Top Ten for Unaided and Aided based on Saturdays scores with the new 11 ring coming into play and a couple of surprises in the results. Congratulations to the winners, Thorin Quinn in the Unaided and Peter Bennett in the Aided event.
The club would like to thank all those that assisted in the running and set-up as well as all those that attended. Hopefully we get an as good or better turn up at the next shoot at Mornington Peninsula Bowmen over the Labour Day long weekend.