Darryl Boulger Shield

The Darryl Boulger Shield was commissioned with the permission of Darryl Boulger in 2022

Darryls long standing relationship with 3DAAA is well known and the generosity of Darryl to the 3DAAA Community is second to none. In 2022 and in consultation with Darryl it was decided that instead of excluding the newly developed Known Class Archers from the Native Hunting Gear Perpetual trophy (The Antlers) 3DAAA together with Darryl, in the sprit of inclusion and expanding the 3DAAA Community we would commission the Highest Known Score at the National Championships.

Whilst in 2022 there was only one division eligible to receive this trophy, it is the Vision of 3DAAA that whilst 3DAAA came from judging distance the inclusion of these new classes has been a great success to the association and the inclusion of the Known Hunter Class in 2023 is part of the ever-expanding future of 3DAAA as an inclusive family sport for everyone. 

This Trophy is now awarded at the 3DAAA National Championships as The Darryl Boulger Shield for the Highest Known Score and is paired with Native Hunting Gear Perpetual Trophy (The Antlers) for the Highest Un-Known Score awarded at National Championships.


  • 2023 Dylan Butt
  • 2022 Matthew McDougall