QLD State Titles & Mendooran Sanctioned Shoot – Pre nominations


May be an image of animal and text that says 'DUBBO 30 ARCHERS 30 ARCHERY CASTLEREAGH 30 SERATON OF NASTHET September 17th and 18th 2022 Tooraweenah Road Mendooran Range to course 5 mins from town on toor poraweenah road Rd Registration venue be advised នល 꿈 Racecourse RacecourseRd Rd Mendooran Central School MendooranPublic Public Baths Temporarily closed Free camping available on Fre.camping_avalableonthe the banks the Castiereagh River (toilets and cold showers). Mendooran Free Cam Royal Hotel Mendooran B55 Edelweiss Lodge'May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'ALBERT FIELD AICEPERS HIO BN QLD 3DAAA State Series Titles 17TH & 18TH OF SEPTEMBER 2022 YOU MUST 3DAAA MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE Entry Price Adults $50 COMPETITION INFO SIGN IN FROM 7:30AM. YOU MUST ALSO COMPLETEALI RANGES ACROSS THE DAY EVENT TO COMPLETE THE COMP. SAT 17TH Rangesf10Ta Targets Youth (12-14 15- 17 years) $35 Pensioners $35 SUN 18TH The last Ranges consiting of 10 Targets Top 10 Shoot Out Trophy Presentation Cubs (11 & under) FREE Camp sites AVAILABLE! Family $115 Raffle Prizes to be won! RCHERY MENU AUSTULA YOU CAN PRE- ALL 3DAAA ORDER TODAY!! RULES APPLY!'


To help the Clubs with organising. Please prenominate for the event. 

You can Prenominate up to 14th September 2022.